Whether you started dancing with her at a club, are on a blind date or are being introduced to a friend of a friend, these are 15 things yo...
Whether you started dancing with her at a club, are on a blind date or are being introduced to a friend of a friend, these are 15 things you should never ask a girl you just met.
1. When are you due?
NEVER assume a girl is pregnant. EVER. When in doubt, just keep your mouth shut. Unless she blatantly confirms that she’s pregnant, don’t even hint at it. And by “blatantly confirms,” I mean, she tells you the sex of the baby, describes the conception in detail and discusses her favorite baby names. Seriously, for the love of all that is holy, just zip it.
2. How much do you weigh?
I don’t know how this would ever come up in a normal conversation, but this one falls hand-in-hand with #1. I don’t even like being asked this question by my own doctor, so it definitely isn’t OK for you to do so. Oh, and never guess our weight, either. That ish isn’t cute. Just like age, weight ain’t nothing but a number. Come to think of it, don’t ask us our age either.
3. Are you ovulating?
File this under instant lady boner killer. I understand that you’re just being extra cautious in the bedroom. But if you’re THAT paranoid about accidental pregnancies, maybe sex isn’t the best choice for you right now. Or maybe you should stop bringing random strangers home? Yeah, definitely the second one.
4. If I got you pregnant, would you have an abortion?
This tops the list of un-sexiest things you can ask a woman prior to getting it in. Because nothing gets our female parts quivering like a CIA-level interrogation about whether we’re pro-life or pro-choice.
5. Can I stick it in the backdoor?
Wait… WHAT? This is never OK, you guys. I don’t even have the strength and resolve to talk about how this isn’t even a fifth date sort of question. Some ladies are down with this swirl, others… not so much. Regardless, it’s like… we JUST met. Buy me a drink first and maybe ask me what my sign is? Damn, I’d even prefer if you asked if I was ovulating.
Continued in next page
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