He’s asking you about your love life This might actually be misleading as he might not be interested in you romantically. Yes, that’s a p...
He’s asking you about your love life
This might actually be misleading as he might not be interested in you romantically.
Yes, that’s a possibility, but at the same time, asking you that question could mean that he has started to develop interest in you.
Really, if any guy starts to love-up on you, they’ll want to know if you are taken [although some don’t care.]
There’s also the likelihood that as your friend, he already knows your relationship status; in this instance, he might actually start to delve deeper, trying to know more about your relationship.
That, also, could be a pointer to his interest in making you more than his friend.
His behaviour changes
If you’ve been friends for some time you’ll know how he normally behaves, how he reacts, how he thinks, speaks, walks etc.
Naturally, if a guy sees you as nothing but a friend, there’s a likelihood that he’ll be relating with you the way he relates with his male friends, especially if you both have been friends for a while.
If he stops treating you like one of his buddies, and instead becomes less vulgar, more attentive and all that, that might be your clue there.
Concluded in next page
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