Late Eze and Mr. Obum Earlier today, we published the sad story of how Igbo community of Malaysia lost their King, a renowned e...
Late Eze and Mr. Obum |
Earlier today, we published the sad story of how Igbo community of Malaysia lost their King, a renowned exporter, Izuchukwu Nwajiaku, who was crowned in August 2016.(Here).
Well, KFB reached out to the Palace Secretary, Mr. Onyebuchi Austine Obum and he told us the real story behind the sudden death of the man that he saw saw hale and healthy few days ago.

According to Mr. Obum, Late Nwajiaku was crowned in 2010 and celebrated his Offala festival two months ago precisely on 13th of August 2016 contrary to the reports that went viral.
According to Mr. Obum, Late Nwajiaku was crowned in 2010 and celebrated his Offala festival two months ago precisely on 13th of August 2016 contrary to the reports that went viral.
His story the way he sent it to KFB: "Our path cut across each other nearly a decade. Ever since then we have became close friends with our wives and children seeing each other as best of friends. My Kids regarded you- Uncle Onwa, as the first Uncle they know in Malaysia. By your action on Sunday my Children has lost a very dear "Uncle".
What more to say? If your death was as a result of spiritual killing or power remote control killing through the use of Africa magic may your soul go after your killers... How can a hale and hearty man dies so sudden even when he visited hospital few days back? Personally I find it difficult to explain to your Son, "Junior" when he confronted me upstair and enthused " Uncle, my Dad is dead?" I was shocked but I found my lips giving a false explanation " No my boy, your Dad is in hospital and would soon be home" That was my response to your five year old child and his siblings whom you have rendered orphan by this your action.
I still could not believed that the food you personally sponsored during the last Ohaneze Ndigbo General meeting held on 19th October 2016 followed by the "Ofe akwu" and rice which your Wife Utondu cooked for your beloved Club "Ofuobi Progressive" last Saturday (22nd October, 2016) was the "Last Supper" that we would ever had together with your kind hearted self?
I am so certain that if you were spiritually killed, those who are behind it shall never go unpunished. Eze Ndigbo my request, though am sure you will do it because you have never fail to respond to my request. Ensure those behind your death pay 10 times the pains they caused your family and all your love ones.
My memory has not failed . You merely complained of feeling pains in the heart. That was on Friday mid day. When the phone call came, your voice was so fainted that I couldnt believe it was the powerful voice of my friend. I was so shocked that I queried if all is well with you. Your responses confirmed my fear.
"Onyeisi, I am not feeling okay" He responded sluggishly cold. "I feel so weak and I called Excel to take me to hospital in cheras. Just on my way back and decide to inform you"
I was distressed with the news, and demanded to know if proper check up was adhered to in the hospital and he responded that nothing was found according to Doctor. I asked him of his pressure and he said everything was checked. That the Doctor on duty gave him some tablets to take for gastric related issues. I promised to be in his house in the evening, as I was taking my family to somewhere at time. Surprisingly when I called back, your voice was much better than what I heard earlier and you told me that after taking the first sets of pills that you felt much better. I therefore decided not to visit, since you live in a very distant place. I therefore concluded to visit you after our club meeting on Saturday Evening.
Surprisingly, on Saturday you was in the meeting before my arrival. When I asked you about your health, everyone in the meeting was shocked because you're your usual self, hale and hearty, full of life- no sign of agonizing symptom of someone whose voice was abysmally shaking few few days back. You said you're now perfectly okay-ed that the pill you took made the magic and we all give credits to Malaysia medics.
I took you outside to make further inquiry. You told me that you have been having pains in your chest and that its now over. That initially whatever you eat, you vomits out but since taking the pill you now eat without throwing it out. To convinced me, you told me that you drove yourself to meeting unlike what happened yesterday where you requested Excel to take you to hospital. I was now convinced as we returned back to our seat. The meeting went successfully well and we ate the best delicacies as far as history of club meeting is concerned.
That same night you call me with your usual inquiry, which has become a norm to find out if I have reached my home and I told you in affirmative that arrive long ago due to absence of no much traffic. We fade each other good night for the day. I advise you to go home since we have a child dedication of our Club member and friend Augustine Obum Onyebuchi.
That Child dedication could not hold as result of your action, which left so many dumb founded. Your wife confirmed to me that you reached home 10pm or thereafter that same night. And that you slept around 2.30 after discussing with Obinna Azubike- the Duke of Asia on business related issues. She woke up the next morning around 9am and presumed that all is well, went downstair to do some domestic work, only to come back upstair to found your lifeless body.
The first person she call was my Wife, her bossom friend who was also preparing for the Child dedication. When I saw the miss call, I asked my wife to call back and the result was that "Onwa Ndigbo" is dead! I couldnt believed it as I mustered courage to call few friends that live close by to take the body to hospital.
I arrived the Seleyang hospital in company of my family, while doctors numbering more than a dozen are trying all to revive him. This happened in presence of Bro Felix Isioma of Africa Fellowship, St John Catholic Church Kuala lumpur. We did whatever, we could to the lifeless body to regain back life but that could not be. The end story was that one of the greatest philanthropist Africa Community in Malaysia has ever known.
It's pertinent to recall that three months back, a group of people ganged up against the collective decision of the Igbo people of Malaysia to formalize your coronation as the Ezendigbo na Malaysia. The people did everything possible to deprive you from the collective mandate of our people.
They went extremely by using an illegal police to abduct you of which you pay huge sum of RM25,000 Riggit (2 Million , five hundred thousand Naira) to regain your freedom and that of two of our friends. The same people are now circulating false information linking your death to news of one cult guy killed two days before your death in Kajang. But thank God many people saw your life body and could attest you.
The world is damn too wicked. Fighting a man even till his death, even when the man on regaining his freedom the last time he was abducted forgave everyone. Even when closed friends came to him pleading that he should go to police and make formal case against those that police mentioned their names as behind his ordeal. He refused saying it would be wrong for Igbos to wage war against fellow Igbos. Believing that its God that reward good for good deeds and evil for evil deeds. I am writing all these because I was loyal while you live and I promise to be loyal friend thereafter.
Keduzi Ihe melu Nwanne Ji egbu nwa nne ya?"