Hours ago, Kannywood actress, Rahama Sadau, released a statement on her expulsion from the Hausa indigenous film industry, known as Kanny...
Hours ago, Kannywood actress, Rahama Sadau, released a statement on her expulsion from the Hausa indigenous film industry, known as Kannywood.
Recall that the Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria Monday announced they have expelled top Kannywood actress, Rahama Sadau, from the Hausa film industry because she featured in a romantic musical video by Jos born singer, ClassiQ where she hugged and cuddled the music artist.
Recall that the Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria Monday announced they have expelled top Kannywood actress, Rahama Sadau, from the Hausa film industry because she featured in a romantic musical video by Jos born singer, ClassiQ where she hugged and cuddled the music artist.
She posted this statement below:
"Following the events of the last few days and MOPPAN’s unilateral
decision to exclude me from the Hausa indigenous film industry, known
as Kannywood, I would like to use this medium to address my fans,
friends, those who have been affected and all who have shown concern. To those who I have offended in any way, shape or form and who I have
caused any anxiety by featuring in the said music video, I sincerely
apologise. It was a job and I was carrying out my role in my profession,
as I would in any other production, be it a Hausa language film or a
Nollywood production. However, innocuous touching with other people in
my line of work is inevitable.
I have lines that I would never cross and indeed I live and stand by the
tenets, “actions are judged according to intentions”. The outcome of the events that have taken place has come as a surprise
to us all. I may have fallen short of some people’s expectations, but it was
never my intention. I make no excuses for my actions and I take full
Thank you to all those who have reached out at this time and to everyone
in general for your unwavering support. Your passion and loyalty hasn’t
gone unnoticed and I am privileged to have your support. This, I do not
take for granted and I want nothing more than to continue making you all
proud. I implore us all to be more tolerant and forgiving towards one another
and to cease all the senseless abuse, name-calling and backbiting. This
achieves nothing other than to cause a huge divide amongst us. May we
all continue to benefit from the Almighty’s mercy and may He protect and
guide us all as we go about our daily lives.
Also, OAP Freeze has this to say:
I saw the heartbreaking news, that this lady, Rahama Sauda, was banned from kannywood. I took the time out to watch the video, and found classiq the rapper very talented, and the song, I love you, which I have already scheduled for rotation on my show, a very lovely piece of musical artwork.
I cannot deny Kannywood, the right to enforce their ideology and standards and neither am I, in anyway judging their actions, however, this could an opportunity for Rahama, to explore other pursuits.
Prior to this, I didn't know who Rahama was, and I am sure many of us didn't either, so this burst of publicity could be the 'injection of fame', her career needed to cross her over into the next level!
I hope Rahama is not spending this time crying over the closing of one door, as a huge window has been thrown open for her. I'm sure there is a place for her in Nollywood, or even Hollywood, if she fine tunes her craft. Many of us are unaware of our capabilities, thus allowing this ignorance of our potential, to unconsciously bind us with invisible chains, making us slaves to those who know our worth and have the capacity to exploit it.
Rahama, the window has been thrown open, the world is your oyster and you are the pearl! ~FRZ
I cannot deny Kannywood, the right to enforce their ideology and standards and neither am I, in anyway judging their actions, however, this could an opportunity for Rahama, to explore other pursuits.
Prior to this, I didn't know who Rahama was, and I am sure many of us didn't either, so this burst of publicity could be the 'injection of fame', her career needed to cross her over into the next level!
I hope Rahama is not spending this time crying over the closing of one door, as a huge window has been thrown open for her. I'm sure there is a place for her in Nollywood, or even Hollywood, if she fine tunes her craft. Many of us are unaware of our capabilities, thus allowing this ignorance of our potential, to unconsciously bind us with invisible chains, making us slaves to those who know our worth and have the capacity to exploit it.
Rahama, the window has been thrown open, the world is your oyster and you are the pearl! ~FRZ