Laura Ikeji is not done with trying to prove her critics wrong. The other day she compared herself to Kylie Jenner (HERE ) and now she is ...
Laura Ikeji is not done with trying to prove her critics wrong. The other day she compared herself to Kylie Jenner (HERE) and now she is cussing out peeps that are insisting she is nothing without her elder sister and foremost blogger, Linda Ikeji.
She says "One idiot just told me that Without Linda, I'm nothing. Boo listen,Of course she paved a way for me but regardless I would still be very successful, we re very determined in my family, everyone works, there are some successful people in Naija that I know but can't mention names that can't point a sibling that is doing well let alone very successful. Give honor to whom it's due. I dey try. Now, sit down! #belikeLaura #mogulinthemaking #gangspot..Female Kanye, Nigerian Zara in the making. I50 stores in Nigeria that's the dream. Can't help it I'm sorry Hehe"
What do you think? //