One time rapper singer who has dumped music for music, Sasha, posted this message on her instagram page moment ago, please read! Listen! I...
One time rapper singer who has dumped music for music, Sasha, posted this message on her instagram page moment ago, please read!
Listen! I know you have been told many times to observe the people that don't clap when you win but guess what? You shouldn't even notice them! Why? You should be too busy clapping for YOURSELF!
Cheerleaders don't wait for their teams to win or lose -they clap anyway. We have all experienced people we consider to be friends who find it hard to cheer for you in public, some even go on record belittling your achievements.Let's be real, do they owe you anything? NO....Clap for yourself.
See it this way, clapping is like giving yourself a Hi-5 ,whether you win or not CLAP! Clap because you tried, clap because you can still smile, clap because tommorow is another day and everytime you smash a goal get your pom-poms out and do a cart wheel (Yes I actually have pom-poms 😂) .
Stop waiting for people's acknowledgment as validation. Who likes epp? Do it anyway, set another goal-smash it anyway. Clap in spite of a failed attempt, clap till that's all you hear in your head every morning "Go ME"
Seriously, life is to short to be trying to fit in. Not everyone will understand your Joseph dreams or your Esther confidence. Go with God and be your own cheerleader.....Go on CLAP FOR YOURSELF 😘
#TeamMe #TeamYou #TeamNoTimeToCheckUchesFace