Tell us about yourself. I am Imudia Mark Uduehi from Ekpoma in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State. I am 35 years old. I have...
Tell us about yourself.
I am Imudia Mark Uduehi from Ekpoma in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State. I am 35 years old. I have worked with several NGOs before now and currently, we are out of projects. Whenever there is any job, I do them pending when new contracts come.
How do you feel that your wife gave birth to five babies at a time?
It is a great news. I and everyone have been waiting for them to arrive and when they came, we received them with joy. I was petrified and delighted but I give God the glory for bringing these children to us on April 12 2017. God is indeed awesome.
Do you wish they are of mixed sex?
I have been handling projects involving gender and vulnerable children. We preach that there is no difference between a male child and a female child.
It is the way people see it, so if I preach it that, then I should practise what I preach.
We have seen female children grow up and occupy top positions in our country today and even in the world. Of recent, a Nigerian woman (Amina Mohammed) became the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. I am happy. I love the children God has blessed us with and I am not feeling bad, whether there is a boy among them or not. Even when my wife was having mixed feelings, I never had any issue about that. I am happy with what God has given me.
What was the most memorable moment you can recall while your wife was pregnant?
One thing that struck me was when I saw her being wheeled into the theatre. I could not help it. It really touched me. It is easier seeing people who are not really close to one being wheeled away for operation. But when the person is close to one, one will feel it. When she was being taken away, I felt something was drifting away somehow.
I give God all the glory. In such a situation, one cannot say what would happen. I was apprehensive. It was an awesome moment.
How did your parents receive the news?
They celebrated it because it is a thing of joy. There is nobody that will hear the news and not celebrate. My father is dead but when I broke the news to my mother, she and my brothers and sisters were happy. This is a world-breaking record. My mother has been calling to know their names. Everybody is happy for them. You hardly see quintuplets and even when you see them, they are hardly same sex which makes this one unique. For those who are praying to have babies, I will advise them to keep faith. It’s just a matter of time. It will happen. //