US based veteran Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha took to her IG to celebrate her daughter as she turned 9. She wrote: She wa...
She wrote:
She was just my baby yesterday. Today You are 9.. Hmm
I Do Cherish You my darling Claire, My Precious Bella , And My Adorable Mezie. You mean the world to me and our family.
If You Ask Me if I Love You This Much "Yes I Do"
Happy 9th Birthday 🎉 my child. I'm all emotional now because I can't be the first to kiss your forehead when you wake up from your beautiful night Sleep and whisper those beautiful words in your ears. I can't wait to be home to celebrate with you my darling child 💝💘🍰🎂🍨🍧🎂🍭🎉🍦