After dragging Seyi law, his wife and daughter Tiwa on IG, controversial blogger, Kemi Olunloyo has faced chubby actress, Eniola B...
she wrote:
'FLASHBACK ON ENIOLA BADMUS' HEALTH. No such thing as fat shaming when given health advise.
@Regrann from @hnnafrica - #HNNWomen The pretty fat lady in black is definitely #EniolaBadmus' relative as seen at her dad's funeral Fidau. Many of the people attacking my social criticism of her weight will be crying #RIP if she were to die of high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease. Nigerians need to eat less, work out and maintain a healthy weight and drink 8 glasses of water daily. Fat does not run in any family, it is accumulated from eating too much. #hnnhealth"