Big Brother naija finalist, Tokunbo Idowu aka Tboss took to her Instagram page to write about her experience at the BBN house and ...
She wrote:
//"The past couple of months have been nothing short of a roller coaster ride and as much as I wanna say I love it, I've had my moments when I asked myself WHY??? Why did I go into the house? Who send me message?? Was it even worth it? I'm still thinking about the answers to these questions but what I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that God is Too Good. Ohh yes HE is faithful and He raised me an army of amazing soldiers, warriors and I shall Always be thankful to Him for them. I wanna thank you guys- All of you, Yes even them "haters" because if not for the hate I wouldn't have gotten so much love, kindness, generosity and support. I have gotten presents every single day of this week & I assure you it wasn't by my might. I am so Blessed to be me. I wouldn't rather be anyone else-nose,Nipples,tongue rings tatted up and All,controversial-?so they say, Old gran-ma?God pls I wanna be a Great Granma too, annoying, AhhMazzzing and everything in between. I had times when I simply existed and just liked myself But Today I'm Living & Loving myself- Thank you. My God would Bless each and every one of you. Y'all Better believe it?????".