A girl in Texas had a heartfelt reminder for her police officer father who was headed to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. See photo...
A girl in Texas had a heartfelt reminder for her police officer father who was headed to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. See photo below...
"Dear Daddy," Makenna Holt's letter began, "I hope you don't get hurt, but I hope you help other people that need it more than you do. I hope no one gets hurt more. I hope everyone gets away the hurricane. I love you!"
Scott Holt, who's been an officer for 22 years, told ABC News he saw his daughter's note Monday morning in their kitchen as he was headed to work.
The Waco Police Department commander admitted that he didn't have a chance to read the note until about an hour after he’d left for work.
"This is something that she often does, so I just grabbed it and took it with me," he said of the note.
Scott HoltMakenna Holt, the 12-year-old daughter of Commander Scott Holt of the Waco Police Department, wrote this note as her father headed to help Hurricane Harvey victims.
When Commander Holt did eventually read the letter he recalled telling himself, "Typical Makenna!" He added that his daughter has a "huge heart."
"In her 12 years of life, we've been through a lot, so she's getting to the age where she has her own level of understanding," he said, noting that the police department recently had a fellow officer severely injured on duty. He's now recovering, Commander Holt said.
Holt said he still has his daughter's note, which was shared on the police department's Facebook page.
Sgt. Patrick Swanton added in a caption: "As our off-duty officers head into harm’s way to help with Hurricane Harvey rescues, we thought we'd share with you one of their family members thoughts."