For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that l...
For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others.
You can keep up with the other volumes you have missed (HERE) and also send in your testimonies via
If one is not careful, one can easily be swayed out of believing there is God in heaven.
However. I have seen and heard enough of what God can do in the life of His creatures .
It is not by power or the wealth you have or by the connection that cones with your father's name or by the educational qualifications you acquire along life's journey.
All these can get you to certain level in life, but not the ultimate. Even be it as it may, each of the above can fail you if God is not in it or with you.
Hear what God did to a woman and her only son. It inspired me and strengthened my faith in the Almighty God
The woman was working as a clerk in one organization about seven years ago. Her son then was a WASCE certificate holder and was earning around N15000 monthly. The pay was not even regular.
Then the Lord sent her His Word that she should leave her place of work and join an upcoming Christian ministry and serve there.
A promise followed the instruction. HE, God would do exploits with her son.
Like the Biblical story of the call of father Abraham, the woman left and followed the call, not asking where support would come from, for her and her son.
The husband had abandoned her and the child.
A call to the unknown but expected end if it is from God !
About three months after, the son received an invitation for an interview into a world class conglomeration company in Nigeria. The son went for prayers from the Pastor of the Ministry and was told he needed no prayers because God initiated it.
The boy on his part, like Jacob in the Bible, made a vow to the Lord on the success of the interview.
A case of a mother and her son sold out into trusting the Lord
And the secondary school certificate holder with no regular income but with the hand of God resting on him was employed.
Though I was not into the boy's area of specialisation ,i believe his ability with God's favour paved the way for him.
Have we not seen many people with only ability and no respect for God in their life struggling in this life?
His income was big .
He fulfilled his vow to God. The value of the vow was so big that the man of God was amazed by the turn of things for the young man.
As of today when I heard the testimony, the man is writing his final university examination and planning to wed this year, 2017.
He is still working there and making an income that sustains him.
The mother is only a prayer warrior and an usher in the Ministry.
I asked how she survived the time.
It was and has been God! Was her response.
She started petty trading in her house.
Just recently too, God made a big way for her-- 6 or 7 years after she left her clerical officer job
She now uses a big shop where she sells big.
Good to serve God and great to hear Him when HE speaks and what a great joy to move in His direction for our lives.
The mother and her son knew no one then.
The certificate the young man used was little or nothing when tabled alongside the many high certificates on ground at the time
Give God your life and everything of you.
Only God can make you and do for you what no man or position or fame or wealth or whatever can give you
HE alone turns nothing and nobody to something and somebody respectively.
Please look at your life and around you today and check for things that happened to you for your good without you struggling or labouring for it.
You work and are doing some work now, strive to hear God speak.