For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets reade...
For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others.
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Yes, it could only have been God. His mercies found me out and HE brought me out of the miry clay. HE washed me clean and gave me a new life that can only be found in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
The Word of God calls us to our Maker, saying, ' Come, all those who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for your soul '
I thank God I yielded to this invitation.
When I was younger, I was frivolous. I got pregnant and went for abortion.
Let me save you the ugly past story.
Something went wrong. I had my womb removed.
I forcefully resigned to the medical report that I would not be able to have a child.
A cry for something greater than me made me attend a revival service.
The Word of God came powerfully and I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The greatest thing I could do to a lost person in me !
At least, HE, Jesus Christ calls us to repentance.
Then, a prophecy came that someone was there whose internal organs had been damaged, but HE, God was giving her new ones.
Too good to be true!
Could I have another chance to live a full life?
With a tear or two rolling down from my eyes, I keyed into the prophecy.
If it happened, God remained God.
If not, HE is still God.
I was paying for my carelessness of the past
However, His mercy found me in the crowd.
Today , to God's praise and to Him alone be the honor, I am blessed with children.
A woman who was told would never have a child.
What can God not do?
HE rewrote my story.
HE cancelled the curse upon my life through the precious Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.
HE is a merciful God