Let brotherly love continue. A photo of the twins cuddling went viral on Facebook earlier this week with more than 35,000 views. Nolan a...
Let brotherly love continue. A photo of the twins cuddling went viral on Facebook earlier this week with more than 35,000 views.
Nolan and Nash Garrett, the 1-year-old twins who can't stop cuddling with each other. Proud mom Xenia Garrett said it's a far cry from how the twins used to act.
"In the beginning, they really wouldn't interact with each other," she explained to ABC News. "They were so little, and they didn't know if there was another person or it was themselves."
"Seeing them with each other now, it's just the sweetest thing," Garrett added.
When the twin brothers were waiting for their father, Sheldon, to come home so the family could all attend a baseball game on Sept. 23, they started "loving on each other," Garrett, 30, said.
"I told myself I have to capture this," she added.
Garrett, who lives in Houston, Texas, said she often photographs and records her boys for family members who live in Louisiana "so they can see them grow up and see the cute moments that we see."
"They were just being so cute," she gushed.