Tonto Dikeh, has alleged unfollowed her “Zaddy”, Hushpuppi on Instagram, and he also reciprocated. Coming after drama and revelations betw...
Tonto Dikeh, has alleged unfollowed her “Zaddy”, Hushpuppi on Instagram, and he also reciprocated. Coming after drama and revelations between Dubai Big Boys, Hushpuppi, Classicbiggie and Mompha.
Recall that the actress wrote him this for his birthday...
Happy birthday Zaddy @hushpuppi
Wish you all the amazing things you wish yourself & more💃🏻🎂💋
I celebrate you darling for who you are💃🏻
Love you Papi,Have an amazing day😘💃🏻🎂💝😍
#Amazingball #GucciBoi