Photos of newly ed couple, Mr and Mrs Thomas have been trending on Instagram for hours now for obvious reasons. The excited bride has...
Photos of newly ed couple, Mr and Mrs Thomas have been trending on Instagram for hours now for obvious reasons.
The excited bride has this to say:
Nearly two years ago he sat me down and said, "I want to pursue you and only you" the very next day we spent the entire day together and ended up taking our very first picture.(look at them baby faces😍) Now we here🤗.
Over the past few days I've been overwhelmed by so many beautiful posts from people all over the world..I've seen beautiful, and encouraging comments...I've seen negative, degrading, and ignorant comments that can be discouraging but I'm so happy I know who God says I am and I believe in His truth! I want to encourage every woman who feels as though they have to meet a certain criteria in order to be loved. That if you aren't a certain size or a certain look, that no one will accept you for you and pursue you whole heartedly. Crush that lie right now! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! I'm so thankful I serve a God that loves us with no limitations! Set the standard high for yourself. Love yourself! Being single is not a punishment! Take this time to grow in Christ, and be the best you, YOU can be now!
On another note, Thanks to everyone that have shown us so much love! We are all smiles! Be encouraged and know that you are loved, valued, and appreciated.
Over the past few years, I've lost weight, gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, and gained more weight. I've fought with self love and kept telling myself if I were a certain size I would, "love my self more" or "value myself more" or "others would be more accepting of me". I hated who I was, I hated how I looked. I made myself believe that my worth was found in how much I weighed and it made me so miserable and unhappy with my life. Once I started digging into God's word and not only reading His truth but BELIEVING it as well, I started to realize that my worth, my value, and my hope is found in Christ and Christ alone and what I look like or how I view myself doesn't change the value that God has placed on my life.
Here I am years later, excited for growth, excited for change, excited to become more healthy, excited to be the best me I can be! I'm loving the woman who I'm growing to be in the future, but I'm also loving the woman who I am now! I'm no longer making changes for a season or for others. I'm making changes because I want to be a better, HEALTHIER version of my already beautiful self. I love the woman I am. She's needed, she's valued, she's loved and she's lit!! "