It was reported earlier here that Nollywood actor and director, Yomi Fabiyi, was called out by an actress, Eniola Omoshalewa Eunice, who...
It was reported earlier here that Nollywood actor and director, Yomi Fabiyi, was called out by an actress, Eniola Omoshalewa Eunice, who accused him of demanding sex from her 9 years ago when she was still passionate about acting.
Yomi Fabiyi has denied claims by a woman who alleged that the filmmaker demanded sex from her in exchange for roles.
Drama started when former aspiring actress, Enny Gold, took to Instagram to narrate how she allegedly met the filmmaker some nine years ago and what transpired between them.
The filmmaker has denied the allegation
He wrote...
“That 9 yrs ago I never sure of getting a room without being paired let alone someone following me,” he said. “Another big lie is that I don’t even know how to drive let alone own a car 9 years ago.”
The filmmaker dismissed the accusation as influence from media houses (we assume he means the sexual misconduct scandals rocking movie industries all over the world).
Read his post: