A 13-year-old orphan, Nkechi Oseh, was reportedly locked indoors by her Madam, Ms Betty Ifeoma, a staff of NNPC Lagos state office at their...
A 13-year-old orphan, Nkechi Oseh, was reportedly locked indoors by her Madam, Ms Betty Ifeoma, a staff of NNPC Lagos state office at their residence in Lagos while traveling out of the country.
She was reportedly left with only two (2) packets of cabin biscuit. However, she has been rescued by the Lagos State Commissioner of Police Ag CP Imohimi Edgal.
Domestic attack turned scars were spotted on Nkechi's body, she reportedly said whenever her boss travels and locks her in, she resorts to drinking water from the toilet whenever she is thirsty.
According to her, she has been locked up at four different times since her uncle brought her from Igboju in Delta state. She said...
“I have been locked up for two weeks, one-week, three-weeks when she traveled to London and since she traveled on Saturday I have been crying before God helped me today”
Nkechi is reported to currently be under the care of the child protection unit of the Ministry of Youth and Social Development Lagos State, empty packet of biscuits and a container of eaten food which was passed through the burglary proof for Nkechi to eat was discovered on the floor.
The Commissioner of Police, Imohimi Edgal, has vowed to get to the bottom of the matter.