Ovation magazine boss, Dele Momodu and his beautiful wife, Bolaji (nee Adaramaja) celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary last week and...
Ovation magazine boss, Dele Momodu and his beautiful wife, Bolaji (nee Adaramaja) celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary last week and Bolaji Momodu clocked 50.
In a recent interview with City People Publisher, SEYE KEHINDE, she revealed what has kept their 25-year-old marriage and what she felt about her husband befor she married him.
Read excerpts from the interview...
How have you kept your marriage going for 25 years?
Hmmm! I will say God. That is what most people don’t want to hear.
Its God, because without God, I really don’t know. We’ve got our moments. When we took the vows it was for better for worse and we’ve seen the better part, we’ve seen the worse part. With God you can weather anything. I preach to people about marriage. When I tell people about marriage, its amazing. Dele put in a lot of efforts than I do. People don’t know. I still think he puts in more efforts than I do. He wants the marriage to succeed, just like I do, regardless of his busy lifestyle. He has put in a lot of efforts to make it work.
It takes 2 for it to work. That is why it is called a marriage. It’s been the 2 of us together. Of course it comes with all sorts but, which ever way, you have to keep the friendship going. We are friends. The children are there. And then the hurdles are crossed, which naturally comes initially when 2 people are trying to know each other. I tell people if you can weather the storm and try to be good hubby and wife with each other for the first few years, you will realize that on the other side its quite easier and cosier than where you are coming from. Yes, we’ve seen it all. We are here standing. I tell people this, I think we are more in love than when we started.
The first day you set your eyes on Bashorun Dele Momodu what were your impressions?
I had no impressions. He didn’t tick all my boxes. If you know what I mean. I had my own picture of Mr. Right in my head. I had the picture of the man I was expecting. And of course, he was very, very hot then. I don’t like the media. I don’t like the social media. I don’t like publicity. I don’t like interviews. I don’t like to be out there. All I want is to be left alone to do my thing privately. I don’t want to be known in the media setting. But he loves that. Even whilst we were dating, I will read about myself in the media from time to time, on the pages of newspaper. That is not my lifestyle. So when we started off we were totally different people. But my husband is a Goodman.
Everybody talked about him. Everybody had good things to say about him. Friends made me date him. Everybody was like he is a good man, try him, date him. I agree is a good man. He showed me his good sides whilst we were dating.
But I just didn’t want to be his wife. I wanted to just be a friend. I don’t want to be seeing myself in the newspapers. And that is how it has been over the past 25 years. Nothing is secret in this house. I have got used to it over time, even though I still don’t like it. So it wasn’t easy for me to agree to marry him but his power of persuasion helped. That was what took over. And then, his friend, he is an Oba now, kept asking me: why don’t you like my friend and I told him your friend is a good man, but he is a media guru. I don’t want to be married to a media person.
He just told me look, Bolaji, the only way to get this guy off your back is just to date him, for a while, and then dump him after a while, if you don’t like him. That I did, and I am still in it till today.