KUWTK Recap; “Momager” Kris Kardashian finally confesses to Cheating Kris Jenner opened up to Scott Disick about the rocky beginnings of...

Kris Jenner opened up to Scott Disick about the rocky beginnings of her relationship with the late Robert Kardashian on the Sunday, February 18, episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. The candid matriarch held nothing back while filming an in-depth and personal legacy video outlining her tumultuous youth. Now we know how she’s so good at handling every scandal that comes her way — she’s been doing it since she was 17!
Kris Opens Up About Losing Her Father
The video began with Kris talking about her father’s traumatic death. Kris began, “He and his girlfriend at the time went to Mexico. He was killed in a car accident.” She then called her mother, Mary Jo Shannon, who added more details, explaining that the Boeing engineer had been the victim of a gruesome hit and run. Kris explained her hazy memory saying, “Obviously when something that traumatic happens in your life, and you lose a parent, things are a little foggy.” She added, “Losing my dad was one of the most significant things that’s ever happened in our lives.”
Kris Got Caught Cheating
Kris then admitted to having an affair with Robert Kardashian while dating another man, Cesar, when she was 17. She confessed, “Robert came over one day when Cesar was out of town. … And, lo and behold, Cesar came home to surprise me.” The momager admitted she was “not proud” of the infidelity and explained that the confrontation ended poorly with Cesar ripping a “hole in Robert’s sweater.”
Then, in a lighthearted anecdote, Kris discussed an early point in her relationship with the late lawyer when the lovebirds had plans to meet in New York City. Kris recalled, “He said, ‘The day you get out of flight attendant school … is the same day O.J. [Simpson] and I are going to New York because O.J. is doing commentary on the Olympics.’” She added that Kardashian was “really excited to go up there and watch this young kid Bruce Jenner try and win the decathlon.” Spooky!
SOURCE; USMagazine