Relationshio Expert, Amara Blessing Nwosu writes open letter to ladies who change their department in church so they can be very visible to ...
Relationship expert, Amara Blessing Nwosu writes open letter to ladies who change department in church so they can be visible to their potential husbands
On her Facebook page this morning, Amara wrote;
I know you are desperately in need of a man to call your own. You left the prayer group in your local assembly to join the ushering or music department. You are now a member of your senior pastor’s protocol department and so all the guests coming to church see you. You move around with your CEO as his executive assistant. You have relocated to where the big boys are and yet, nothing is happening. Those eligible bachelors date you only to go for someone else when it’s time to take her home to mama. You know you are well behaved, godly, cultured, educated, and civilized. Some have even come to see your parents only to dump you later on. You are tired of attending friends weddings and being called to be the maid of honour. “When am I going to be married?”, you ask.
Hear this: The problem is not in your location. Your department in church is not the problem. Don’t waste your time thinking those things are the issue. I agree that to an extent, your fashion sense, size, and look could be the problem, but thats not your case. You dress well, speak well, behave well, serve in a very visible church and work department, and live in a good location. What could be wrong?
Favour is the issue here. When the favour of God comes upon you, protocols are broken. When you walk and live in favour, things that are impossible become possible. When you walk in favour, you live above human limits.
The Bible says that “he who finds a wife…”; it is not your duty to do the finding. Like I always say, men love to conquer and once they are able to conquer that woman they admire, they do everything humanly possible to protect her. But when you go out of your way to conquer a man, he has little or no attraction towards you and he, more often than not, feels less of a man. Because he feels conquered by you, he will go all out in search of one to conquer. Allow him to do the searching and finding.
Is Amara telling you to just fold your hands and do nothing while he searches to find you? Not at all. Your duty is to find favour. Stay in God’s presence, walk with Him without thinking of benefits; just walk with God and work for Him. Spend time finding favour so when that man finally finds you, he comes in contact with divine favour.
There must be a change in a man’s situation when he finds a woman because she carries favour. There is something about favour; it does what makeup and designer wears can’t do. Favour makes the ugly beautiful. Favour makes the unqualified to be qualified. Favour makes your face to glow in God’s glory. Favour attracts men to you. Favour is it my ladies; God’s favour is what you need.