Only God could have done this! When armed robbers invaded our community… For the newbies, the KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is...

For the newbies, the KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others.
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It is good to be in the presence of God at all times.
I bless the Lord God Almighty for His presence with me and my family in time of crisis.
One night towards the end of last year, armed robbers invaded our community in a heavy manner.
There were sporadic gun shots everywhere. Great fear descended on everyone.
I remembered the Word of God that says, …..By the Prophet the people are established.
I may not have put the words together perfectly.
So I decided to stand on the declaration of the Man of God, the man God has placed over His people in the church I Attend.
He had declared, No more loss, be it of a person or thing. We will suffer no loss’
And we all in family began to proffess this, moving from one corner of the house to another.
For some hours the invasion lasted.
They dispossessed all the community members of all their valuable things.
Gun shots entered into our premises ,but were not allowed to wreck any havoc.
I really feared for my life and that of my wife and children.
Jesus saved us that day. They could not enter our house..
Could it be because our home is one of the centers for the church house fellowship?
Whatever the reason might be, we enjoyed the grace and mercy of God
We lost no one and we lost nothing
Glory be to our God