The 14 best ways to burn fat quickly and promote weight loss You might have been wondering how to get rid of the excess fat in your body w...

You might have been wondering how to get rid of the excess fat in your body which poses threat to your health and well being. Apart from diet and exercise, numerous other factors can influence weight and fat loss.
We stumbled across this post on Healthline, which are simple steps you can take to increase fat burning, quickly and easily.
Here are 14 of the best ways to burn fat quickly and promote weight loss.
1. Start Strength Training
Strength training is a type of exercise that requires you to contract your muscles against resistance. It builds muscle mass and increases strength. Most commonly, strength training involves lifting weights to gain muscle over time. Strength training has been shown to increase resting energy expenditure and belly fat, especially when combined with aerobic exercise.
Including more protein-rich foods in your diet is an effective way to reduce your appetite and burn more fat. In fact, multiple studies have found that eating more high-quality protein is associated with a lower risk of belly fat. Eating more protein may be associated with a lower risk of belly fat. Increasing your protein intake can decrease appetite, lower calorie intake and preserve muscle mass.
3. Squeeze in More Sleep
Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm clock a little later can help boost fat burning and prevent weight gain. Several studies have found an association between getting enough sleep and weight loss. Getting enough sleep may be associated with decreased appetite and hunger, as well as a lower risk of weight gain.
4. Add Vinegar to Your Diet
Vinegar is well known for its health-promoting properties. In addition to its potential effects on heart health and blood sugar control, increasing your intake of vinegar may help bump up fat burning, according to some research. However, if drinking vinegar straight doesn’t sound appealing, you can also use it to make dressings, sauces and marinades.
5. Eat More Healthy Fats
Although it may seem counterintuitive, increasing your intake of healthy fats may actually help prevent weight gain and help you maintain feelings of fullness. Fat takes a while to digest and can help slow the emptying of the stomach, which can reduce appetite and hunger. Fat is digested slowly, so eating it can help reduce appetite. A higher intake of healthy fats is associated with a lower risk of weight gain and decreased belly fat.
6. Drink Healthier Beverages
Swapping out empty-calorie drinks for some healthier selections is one of the easiest ways to increase fat burning. For example, sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and juice are packed with calories and offer little nutritional value. Sugar-sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks may be associated with a higher risk of belly fat. Green tea and water have been shown to increase weight loss and fat burning.
Written by Rachael Link, MS, RD
Culled from Healthline