How conductor returns N108k to passenger who misplaced wallet (photos) In a place where such act of kindness is not rampant, a conducto...

In a place where such act of kindness is not rampant, a conductor identified as Mwaura has become the talk of the town after returning a lost wallet with KSh 30,000 (N108,000) plus other personal documents in Gachie-Nairobi road, Kenya.
According to Harrison Mungai who shared the story online, the conductor cam across the forgotten wallet and got worried the owner could be in dire need of the money. He went straight to report to the Sacco offices at Gachie trading centre, asking the Sacco linesman Joseph Muniu to direct anyone who might be looking for lost documents to him.
By the third day, a man who introduced himself as Stanley Kaberi went to Ganaki offices and reported about his lost documents.
He said he was from Ndumberi within Kiambu county but did not even mention anything to do with the money as he suspected it could have been taken by whoever came across the wallet.
The KSh 30,000 was meant to take care of his sick child’s hospital bill. Mwaura, the conductor who found the items plus the money was connected to Stanley through phone and they correctly verified indeed that the wallet was Stanley’s.
The kind hearted man also refused to be appreciated, as he told Stanley to go and sort out his issue first