Only God could have done this! I had attempted suicide five times… For the newbies, the KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an...

For the newbies, the KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others.
And the Lord spoke!
You can keep up with the other volumes you have missed (HERE) and also send in your testimonies via email protected
You are too young to think of death. God has a plan for you. For your rejection, you have acceptance ‘
On hearing this from the Man of God who did not know me from Adam and who was led to my place in the church during service, my spirit leapt up in joy and calmness.
I had come to the service in despair..
I had had no hope for living.
Before that day a year ago, I had attempted suicide five times.
I was depressed and found no one to help me.
That year was the seventh year after graduation and I was with no job.
I had tried my hands on some work like laundry, I did not make a head way.
But God’s mercy led me to stand before Him that Tuesday ‘s service
I bless the name of the Lord for HE is kind and His mercy endures forever.
It was during the sermon that God ‘s Servant came around my seat and picked me out of the crowd and he declared the statement above to me.
I could not describe how I felt that God could remember me as HE spoke into my ‘weary’ life.
No one in the congregation knew my dilemma. By that time, I was thinking death was better than being stranded in fast – pacing – so -called – life
To God be the glory. Jesus turned my life around for the better.
The laundry business I had delved in and had failed was reopened for me.
However, the market brought me out of poverty.
As if God had not dealt with me enough, HE made another opening for me to work.
I was employed into a great job.
Nevertheless, I have peace like a river.
My spiritual life got healed
I began to grow in my walk with the Lord.
I am happy that the thing of the Kingdom now excites me.
With excitement I joined the evangelism team.
HE has put words of consolation in my mouth to tell the unconsolable that there is God in heaven Who removes yokes of whatever kind in the lives of those who turn to Him for help
Thank God for Jesus