Only God could have done this! A miraculous son after 11 years of waiting… For the newbies, the KFB Only God Could Have Done This serie...

For the newbies, the KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others.
11years into marriage, we were still waiting for the fruit of the womb.
As human beings, my wife and I were getting wearied of waiting.
This is because, I, as a Pastor, had carried church members ‘ children, named and dedicated many of them.
But there was none for us.
When we moved to America, we thought everything was possible in the land.
That with all things put in place -the weather and medical advancement, it would not be long before we carry our own children in our hands. We had a lot of hopes that America would make pregnancy possible.
Good thought, though!
God’s way is not ours
We at that moment, to be sincere, were not looking firmly to the Lord Jesus. We were looking to man _ the experts in the field of medicine in the most blessed country of America.
We were sinking in faith. But doing the work of God anyway
Yet the waiting continued.
My wife even had to come to Nigeria for one of the Holy Ghost Services fwhen the pressures from family, Friends :and those who were concerned about our case advised her to do.
Nothing happened !
No one can put pressure on God.
At His own appointed time, HE makes all things beautiful.
We therefore started doing the work of God as if we did not have challenges of our own.
Pastor E. A Adeboye came to Chicago for a weeklong program and we were invited by a friend to the place.
We were there on the Friday night of the program.
We received a conviction in our hearts that the year was our year.
We did not meet Daddy G. O on one to one.
We only felt and believed the power of God was at work that night.
The Sunday following the Friday, my wife picked up the gaunt of faith and came out with those who had testimony ‘.
I was wondering what her testimony could be.
She went to thank God for what HE had done for her.
She told the congregation that the Lord had visited the family and that in nine months to that time, they would all come to rejoice with us to name a baby in our home.
What a faith!
Many would wonder what came upon her.
To God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father also be the glory.
Exactly 9months after , she was delivered of a baby girl
Not long after this, we had a boy.
At God’s appointed time, HE made all things beautiful for us