Earlier this year, the Netflix-exclusive series Daredevil opened up the Marvel Cinematic Universe into a realm we had never quite seen before. While there were brief mentions of the alien attacks from the first Avengers film, the lighter spirit and tone that Marvel has become known for was all but gone, in exchange for a dark and gritty take on Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) attempting to save his home of Hell’s Kitchen from the grips of organized crime.Now that Season 1 of Daredevil has already been available for a few months, Marvel and Netflix are continuing their efforts to expand this particular part of the MCU. The next series will be Jessica Jones, starring Krysten Ritter as a former superheroine trying to live a somewhat normal life as a private investigator; that show will hit the streaming service later this year. Following that in 2016 will be a Luke Cage Netflix series and another season of Daredevil – with Marvel planning to kick it up a notch, for The Man Without Fear’s return.